Conference on PRIMA, Athens 25th September 2017

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Carlos Moedas “PRIMA is the greatest achievement in cooperation in R&I”

Conference for the Euro-Mediterranean initiative PRIMA: Partnership for Research & Innovation in the Mediterranean Area

The General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, organizes a Conference for the Euro-Mediterranean  PRIMA Initiative, on Monday, 25 September 2017,  at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (48, Vas. Constantinou Avenue, L. Zervas  Amphitheatre).

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, will be the keynote speaker of the Conference which will be opened by Costas Fotakis, Alternate Minister for Education, Research & Religious Affairs, responsible for Research & Innovation.

The main objective of the PRIMA, ten-year initiative (2018 – 2028), is to develop much-needed solutions for a more sustainable management of water and agro-food systems and to devise new R&I approaches to improve water availability and sustainable agriculture production in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanization and population growth.

Τhe key priorities of the initiative are  water scarcity, food security, the importance of the Mediterranean diet and its relation to health.

The PRIMA initiative will be implemented through a specific ten-year Programme (2018-2028), adopted in July 2017 with a decision of the European Parliament and the Council, in accordance with article 185 of the EU Treaty (TFEU). Τhe total funds that will be allocated to the programme is expected to reach 440 million euros, of which 220 million euros will come from Horizon 2020  the EU  Framework Programme for R & Ι and the remaining from the  national funds of the 19 countries participating in PRIMA.

